STOCK EXCHAKOK, FRIDAY Santarem In the early part of this week the general subject of conversation in the monied world was the affairs of a Joint Stock Banking Company, whose ac- ceptances on their London agents had been dishonoured, on the plea that they had not sufficient funds : their branches are five in number. Several mis- statements were instantly current as to the cause of refusal ; whilst some at- tributed it to the reason just assigned, there were others who set it down to a quarrel between the London agents and the Director,; but the latter proved to be erroneous, as it is asserted there is no misunderstanding, but the agents did not like the responsibility of making further advances under the circum- etances. It is mid they had been engaged in a very extensive business, and a large amount of the bills which were dishonoured on Saturday were drawn by Louses in New York. The Directors were endeavouring on Monday to effect an arrangement with different banking-houses here, offering to transfer the agency in case they could obtain assistance ; and they made remittances to their present agents during the day for meeting their notes of issue in full ; but in the interim the acceptances remained unpaid, nor were they able, it was said, to make the proposed arrangement with any of the banks. It first com- menced business in 1834, and the nominal capital was 500,000/.
On Tuesday the exchanges were again lower: the demand for bills upon Hamburg caused a decline in the rates. Upon Paris and Amsterdam they were much the same as the last post. There has been very little variation in the value of the English Funds this week. Consols declined on Tuesday per cent., viz. to 908, upon receipt of the news of the attempted assassination of the Duke d'AuwALE, but rallied again the next day : since then they have been alternately buyers and sellers at that quotation. Exchequer Bills have remained dull at 12s. to 14s.; and prices generally have been without variation. New Three-and-a-half per C,ents, are at 988 9. Money is rather easier.
In the Foreign Funds, there has been little doing, except in Spanish Stock, which has been gradually advancing during the week, and is now 224 8. This is chiefly owing to a letter said to have been received by a house in the City from M. SURRA Y. Rum, the Spanish Minister of Finance, which has in- spired confidence. It is to the effect that the reports of another military in- surrection to restore the Queen Regent are untrue, and that the Government held the means of preserving order. The Cortes are closed, and he says he shall consequently have more leisure to meditate on the means of carrying out a plan for the settlement of the whole debt, and the reform of the finance ad- ministration. He declares that it is not the intention of the Government to raise fresh loans, but to place matters upon such a system of retrenchment and economy as shall enable it to meet its claims. It is further stated that the highly respectable house of R. THORNTON and Co. will have the conversion of the over-due Coupons confided to them ; and from the known character of the firm, this has given additional confidence that a better sera is dawning upon the unfortunate Bondholders.
The prices of the English Funds continued in the same dormant state as they have been all the week, up to the close of business this afternoon : Con- sols for Money, 894 ; Ditto for the Account, 90 4; Exchequer Bills, 12s. to 14s.; India Stock, 246 to 7; Ditto Bonds, 2 to 4; New Three-and-a-half per Cents., 988 9.
In the Foreign house, Spanish has been as high as 228 4, but leaves off at 228 8. Portuguese Five per Cents., 304 4; Ditto Three per Cents., 184 4. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents., 518 ; Ditto Five per Cents., 1024 8. Co- lumbian, 21 4. Mexican, 258, 4.
The Share-market has been without variation for several days. London and Birmingham, 67 9 premium ; Great Western, 128 138 premium ; Ditto Half- shares, 44 4 premium; Ditto Fifth-shares, 38 4 premium ; South Western, 50 1; London and Brighton, 4 34 discount ; Blackwall, 108 4 per Share ; Ditto New Shares 24 3 premium.
In the English Stock Market no new feature has yet presented itself, and prices are quite stationary. Consols for Money 894 4, ditto for Account 904; New Three-and-a-half per Cents. 9849; Exchequer Bills 12s. to 14s.; India Stock 2468 to 78.
In tbe Foreign House, Spanish Stock comes the same from Paris as yester- day; but as better prices were expected, the consequent disappointments has caused a decline of 4 per cent., being now quoted 228 8. In other Stocks there is nothing doing Portuguese Five per Cents. 308 4: ditto Three per Cents. 184 i; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Ceuta. 514 2 ; ditto Five per Cents. 10244; Colombian 208 18; Mexican 2543; Belgian 1023.
3 per Cent. Consols
Columbian 6 per Cents 20/ 1*
Ditto for Account
90 .1 Danish 3 per Cents 794 80 8 per Cent. Reduced shut
Dutch 2+ per Cents
514 2 Sf per Cent. Ditto shut Mexican 5 per Cents. Count. 251 New 31 per Ceuta 981 9 Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 30* Bank Stock shut Ditto New 5 per Cents. 1841..
251 64
Exchequer Bills ... 12 14
Ditto 3 per Ceuta 18* is
India Stock
2461 7,1
Russian 5 per Cents ..... 111 112 Brazilian 5 per Cents
671 9
Spanish (Active) 221 Belgian 5 per Cents 102 3/