The Paris Papers Of Thursday Reiterate A Report Which Has
for several days been gaining strength in that city, that the Duke of Bordeaux, who fell from his horse lately and hurt his leg, had died of lock-jaw. There was no disturbance......
The Western Times Publishes A Correspondence Between The...
Exeter and the Reverend Henry Erskine Head, the Rector of Feni- ton ; in which the Bishop asks Mr. Head whether he is the author of a paper entitled, "A View of the Duplicity of......
In Hastily Copying From Another Paper Last Week, We Were
betrayed into the error of calling Lord Lowther the second son of the Earl of Lonsdale : he is the eldest son.......
There Are More Official Announcements Of Ministerial...
night's Gazette. Sir Robert Peel, Mr. Goulburn, Mr. Milnes Gaskell, Mr. Henry Bingham Baring, Mr. Alkxande r Pringle, and Mr. John Young, are appointed Commissioners for......
Quarterly Average Of The Weekly Liabilities And Assets Of...
Bank of England, from the 22d June 1841 to the 14th September 1841— ASSETS. Circulation ......... £17,481,000 Securities £23,567,006 Deposits 8,052,000 Bullion 4,975,000......
SATURDAY NIGHT. In the House of Commons, last night, Sir ROBERT PEEL having moved the order of the day to go into a Committee of Supply, Lord Jona/ RUSSELL proceeded to state......
A Dejeuner Was Given Yesterday, By The New Zealand Company,
at the West India Dock Tavern, Blackwell, to celebrate the sailing of the second colony of New Zealand. The company, which was very nume- rous included the Duke of Sussex and......
The Morning Chronicle Says That A Duel Was Fought Yesterday
be- tween Lord Cardigan and Colonel Wood. "The duel, we are informed, arose from circumstances of a peculiarly delicate nature, in which the character of a noble lady is......
A Meeting Was Held At Manchester, In The Town-hall, On
Thursday, to petition the Queen not to prorogue Parliament until the question of relief for the popular distress has been discussed. Some opposition was offered to the......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHAKOK, FRIDAY Santarem In the early part of this week the general subject of conversation in the monied world was the affairs of a Joint Stock Banking Company, whose......