The Western Times publishes a correspondence between the Bishop of
Exeter and the Reverend Henry Erskine Head, the Rector of Feni- ton ; in which the Bishop asks Mr. Head whether he is the author of a paper entitled, "A View of the Duplicity of the present system of Episcopal Ministration"; Dr. Phillpotts premising that he means to take proceedings against Mr. Head for that performance. Mr. Head avows that he is the author of the paper; and he refers the Bishop for a fuller exposition of his views to a letter which appeared in the Western Times, addressed "To the Spiritual Peers in Parliament, on their abuse of the Prelatical power in requiring unlawful and contradictory sub- scription from candidates for ordination in the ministry of the National Church." Mr. Head adds, that he formerly declined to give Dr. Phillpotts explicit answers, in order that he might more fully lay his sentiments before the public.