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THE Court history is still of dry business-records, no gayeties being. noted,
The Queen and Prince Albert and the Princess Royal returned to Windsor, from Claremont, on Saturday, (and not, as we stated by mistake in our last number, on Friday,) escorted by a party of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, commanded by the Earl of March, and followed by the suite. The Queen immediately resumed the out- door exercise which she had somewhat neglected at Claremont—riding in a pony phaeton and walking with Prince Albert. The Princess Royal, who looks very well, has been carried out daily. The Queen held a Privy Council at two o'clock on Tuesday after- noon, at Windsor Castle. It was attended by Prince Albert, the Duke of Wellington, the Lord President, the First Lord of the Trea- sury, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the First Lord of the Admiralty, the President of the Board of Control, the Paymaster- General, the Lord Steward, and the Master of the Horse. The Marquis of Exeter, the Marquis of Lothian, Earl Delawarr, the Earl of Rosslyn, Lord Forester, the Honourable George Lionel Dawson Darner, and Dr. John Nicholl, were sworn of the Privy Council, and took their places at the Board. Dr. Nieholl kissed handb on being appointed Judge-Advocate-General. The Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Wharncliffe, the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Elleuborough, and Sir Edward Knatchbull, joined the Royal circle in the evening, and remained at the Castle for the night ; returning to town on the following morning. Yesterday, the Queen Dowager, and Prince Ernest of Hesse Phi- lippsthal, and the Dutchess of Gloucester, left Gopsall Hall for Belton House, on a visit to the Earl and Countess of prownlow.
The Duke of Cambridge went from Kew, on Monday, to pay a visit to Colonel Fremantle ; and he returned to Kew on Wednesday. Yes- terday, the Duke and Dutchess and the Princess Augusta of Cambridge dined with the Duke of Wellington at Apsley House. The Dutchess of Gloucester left Cambridge House on Wednesday, and proceeded by the Birmingham Railway to Sudbury Hall, on a visit to the Queen Dowager.