An accident of the most trifling nature happens to the
Duke de Nemours, and all France trembles. Rebellion and assassination are such familiar ideas, that a casualty in sporting cannot happen without suggesting a murder and a change of dynasty! The Prince de Joinville by some bungling carelessness lets his gun go off, and a grain of small shot is lodged in the Duke his brother's face. Such accidents are common enough in England among Cockney sportsmen, and are not unprecedented anywhere among sailors. But so black is the construction now put upon mishaps in France, that the loyal think it incumbent upon them to disbelieve the occurrence ; attempts are made to conceal. the name of the awkward sportsman, as if he might be thought a Cain, to be confounded with the common run of regicides; and the accident is voluminously discussed by the journals. What a state of internal disorder in the social fabric do such symptoms indicate