The New Sanatory Commission.
THE appointment of the Special Commission, gazetted this week, for inquiring into the means of improving the health of the Me- tropolis, must be regarded as a recommencement of......
The Theatres.
The Schadfor Scandal has been brought out at the Marylebone Theatre, and put on the stage with a taste and liberality worthy of the Olympic in the days of Madame Vestris—and......
Topics Of The Day.
PROMOTION OF THE ITALIAN PRINCES. TREES is reason to hope that the sovereigns of Italy have not only yielded to the peaceful revolution which keeps the even tenour of its way......
On the 21st August, at Newfoundland, the Lady of Assistant Commissary-General Weir, of a daughter. On the 10th September, at Boulogne, the Hoc. Mrs. Henry Graves, of a son. On......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The usual half-yearly meeting of the proprietors of the Bank of England took place yesterday; when a dividend of 3b. per cent with a bonus of 1......