18 SEPTEMBER 1847, Page 11


On the 21st August, at Newfoundland, the Lady of Assistant Commissary-General Weir, of a daughter.

On the 10th September, at Boulogne, the Hoc. Mrs. Henry Graves, of a son.

On the 10th, at Blythswood House, Renfrew, Mrs. Campbell, of Blythswood, of a daughter.

On the 11th, at Hampton Manor House, Mrs. Philip Sheppard, of a son. On the 12th, at Mount Stuart, the Marchioness of Bute, of a SOU and heir. On the 13th, at Edinburgh, the Lady of the Hon. John Fox Strangways, of a son. On the 13th, at Stanwell, the Hon. Mrs. R. Lambert Baynes, of a son. On the 13th, at the Rectory, Bishop's Cleeve, tlloncestershire, the Wife of the Rev. Homy Palmer, of a son.


On the 9th September, at Turlough Church, the Rev. William C. Townsend, Incum- bent of Turlough, to Emma Mary, second daughter of the late Colonel Edward Thomas Fitzgerald, of Turlough Park, Mayo.

On the 11th, at Newchurch, Byde, Charles Tennant, Esq., of Russell Square, to Gertrude Barbara Rich Collier, the eldest daughter of Captain Henry T. B. Collier, R.N.

On the 11th, at Kingston-on-Thames, John Edward Woodrofre. Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law, to Maria, youngest daughter of the late Broome Phillips Witte, Esq., Of Brunswick Square, and Surbiton Lawn.

On the 15th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Fletcher Hayes, Esq., Sixty.second Regiment Bengal Army, only son of the late Commodore Sir John Hayes, to Frances Henrietta, only daughter of the late Colonel Robert Torrens, C.B., Adjutant-General of her Majesty's forces in India.

On the 15th, at Marylebone Church, Captain Brace, Grenadier Guards, to Anna Maria Prances, daughter of the late James Stuart, Esq., formerly of the Bengal Civil Service, and M.P. for Huntingdon.


On the 7th September, the Rev. Joseph Higgins, Rector of Eastnor, and of Pixley Herefordshire, and a Deputy-Lieutenant for the same county ; in his 76th year. On the 8th, Mary, Wife of the above-named Rev. Joseph Higgins ; in her 75th year. On the 8th, in Moray Place, Edinburgh, Mrs. Durham, Widow of the late General Durham, of Largo, Fifeshire.

On the 8th, at Lartington Hall, Yorkshire, George Witham, Esq., late Captain in her Majesty's Sixty-eighth Regiment.

On the 9th, Walter William Stables, Esq., of Crosland Hall, near Huddersfield ; In his $3d year.

On the 10th, at Brighton, Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Joshua Perceval, late of the Grenadier Guards.

On the 11th, In Suffolk Square, Cheltenham, the Hon. Mrs. Twistleton Relict of the Hon. and Rev. Thomas James Twistleton, D•D , Archdeacon of Colombo, and mother bf the Right Hon. Lord Saye and Sele ; In her 77th yew. On the 11th, at Rugby, the Rev. George John Kennedy, M.A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and one of the Masters of Rugby School; In his 36th year.

On the 1 I th, at Ashburnham House, Chelsea, Algernon Russell, the eldest son of Colonel the Honourable Leicester Stanhope ; in his 10th year. On the 12th, at Cheltenham, Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Sheehy Keating, K.C.B., Colonel of her Majesty's Thirty-third Regiment of Foot ; in his 70th year.

On the 13th, at Lewisham, Lieutenant-Colonel George Feed, C.B., late of the Gre- Radler Guards ; in his 65th year.