The usual half-yearly meeting of the proprietors of the Bank of England took place yesterday; when a dividend of 3b. per cent with a bonus of 1 per cent, making in all 4j per cent, was declared upon the capital stock of the Company, for the half-year ending 10th October. A discussion occurred upon the subject of the recent insolvency of some of the Directors; and it is probable that the unanimity of feeling apparent among the proprietary may lead to an alteration in the internal arrangement of the affairs of the corporation.
The commercial calamities of the week have exceeded those of any seven days since the memorable panic in 1825. In addition to the failure of Messrs. Gower, Nephews, on Saturday, (noticed in part of our last impression,) we have to record that of Messrs. Sanderson and Co. on Tuesday; and of Messrs. Reid, Irving, and Co. today. All these houses were of the very first standing; and of two of them— viz. Reid, Irving, and Co., and Gower, Nephews, members of the respective firms were Directors of the Bank of England at the period of their insolvency, in the persons of Mr. Abel Lewis Gower and Sir John Rae Reid. Messrs. Sanderson and Co. have long been known as extensive discount-brokers, and till very lately en- joyed all the credit arising from the reputation of great wealth.
Under these disheartening circumstances, it is matter of coarse to say that the Public Securities have experienced a considerable decline. The fall in Consols exceeded la per cent for Money; the price has been as low as 85a, and for Ac- count 83g. A slight upward reaction has since occurred, and the closing quota- tions are 85/t a fur Money and 854 3 for Account. From the circumstance above noticed, Bank Stock has experienced an advance: it rose yesterday from 196e to 200, and is today marked at 200 and 201 for Account.
In the Foreign Market, prices are generally lower, though no large amount of business has occurred. Russian Roads are at 1061, being a decline of 2 per cent from our last prices; Dutch Stock is about 3 per cent lower than on Saturday; and the decline of most of the North of Europe Stocks may be stated at from 2 to 3 per cent. Mexican Stock has fallen nearly 1 per cent. Portuguese Bonds have remained steady between 24 and 25, without any business: a slight demand for the Stock at the low quotations appears to exist, but the holders are not dies to sell. Spanish Stock is lower, though not materially; the Three per ents having fallen to 29a, and the Active to 20a.
The Railway Share Market has been in an extremely depressed state. It was believed that at the time of their failure Messrs. Gower and Co. were large holders of South Wales, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Shares. In anticipation of a large amount being thrown upon the market, these shares have declined from 21. to 31. The fall in the other descriptions of Shares may be quoted
at about 21. to 51.: North-western fell from 1641 to 159, and the smaller varieties from 21. to 31.
having for the first time been done at i discount. Paris and Lyons have fallen
to 5, discount. The severity of the weather has interrupted the due arrival of are stated to have fallen to 74 60—a decline of from 30 to 40 cents from Wed- the French express; but it is understood that the Three per Cents were 75 or An express is in town with the French prices of Thursday: the Three per Cents lower on Wednesday, and that the North of France Shares had fallen 10 francs.
The French Shares have experienced a marked decline; North of France nesday. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The Accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending Saturday last exhi- bit, as compared with those of the preceding week, the following results. There is an increase under these heads—public deposits, 443,0781.; other deposits, 189,6201.; other securities, 295,2651.; notes unissued, 276,7451. In the following items there is a decrease—notes issued, 89,7051.; bullion, 43,9651.; in the actual circulation, 366,4501.; seven-day and other bills, 38,2591. The item of Government securities is the same. The total amount of bullion is 8,915,0721., against an amount last week of 8,959,0371. The circulation is 17,840,5651., against 18,207,0151. last week. There in no change in the prices of Consols, which have been all the morn- ing at the closing quotations of yesterday, with but few transactions. The Fo- reign Market is also without variation. The Railway transactions have been few, and the variations in price unimportant; the following are the principal bargains recorded: Eastern Counties, 17, 16/; Newcastle and Berwick, 31; Ditto, New, 71; North British, 25; North Staffordshire, 8{ ; York and Newcastle Extension, 14; Ditto, Preference, 101; Luxembourg, /; Northern of France, 91; Rouen and Havre, 20j; Strasbourg and Basle, 7*.
SATURDAY, TWO o'crecx. The English Funds are rather firmer: Consols for Account have been done at fai, and are now 85} ; the price for Money being 851. No change or business of im- portance has occurred in the Foreign Market or in Railway Shares; both of which are nearly the same as yesterday. The following are the principal Share trans- actions in addition to those given in the morning: Birmingham and Oxford Junc- tion, 151; Caledonian, 29130 291; Eastern Counties, 161; Great Western, 100 2; Ditto, Fifths, 24; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 451 * 4; London and North-western, 159 60; London and South-western, 571; Midland, 113 1; South- eastern and Dover, 311; York and Newcastle, 343}; Ditto, East and West Riding Extension, 281; Boulogne and Amiens, 13; Dutch-Rhenish, 2/ 3; Luxembourg, 1; Northern of France, 91; Paris and Lyons, 21 1 i; Paris and Strasbourg, 2/.
3 per Cent Consols Danish 3 per Cents 82 4
Ditto for Account 851 Dutch 2} per Cents 54} 5
a per Cent Reduced Ditto 4 per Cents. 86} 7
31 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 184 19 Long Annuities New Grenada 19}
Bank Stock 203 201 Ditto 4 per Cents 18* 24 5
Exchequer Bills 9 15 pm. Peruvian 33 5 India Stock Mandan 5 per Cents 106 8
Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 4 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 201
Belgian 4} per Cents 90 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 29} Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... - Venezuela 36 8 Chlllen 6 per Cents 90 2