Recent advices from Algiers confirm the statement made last week,
that Abd-el-Kader had possession of Tam in Morocco. The Emperor Abd-er- Rahman has applied to France for assistance.
A subscription has been opened in the department of the Gard to pay the fine of M. Tests!— " Even a triumphal arch," says the National, "has been erected at Begat& with this inscription: 'A Taste, le dies du peuple 1'" " Lists prepared in Paris,' adds the Echo the Midi, " and divided by cantons and communes, are hawked about by M. Teste's friends, by mayors, and other functionaries. But that is not all: M. Tests himself, from his prison, writes letters to thank the zealous, to animate the lukewarm, and to scold those who hang back."
The King of the French has granted a free pardon to nearly five hun- dred persons, condemned to various terms of imprisonment for having been concerned in the bread riots of last year.