WAR-OFFICE, Sept. 17.-7th Light Drags.—Cornet J. Trennery to be Adjt. vice Bowles, promoted. 16th Light Drags.—Lieut. W. Webster to be Capt. without pur- chase, vice Townley, deceased. 17th Regt. of Foot—Lieut. E. H. Cormick to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet Major W. Barnes. who retires upon full-pay. 22d Foot- Surg. S. Currie, M.D., from 55th Foot, to be Surg. vice Campbell, who exchanges. 31st Foot—S. F. G. Bytbesea, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Nutt, appointed to the 51st Foot 51st Foot—Ensign W. L. F. Sheathe to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Braham, deceased ; Ensign C. S. Nott, from the 31st Foot, to be Ensign, vice sheatre. 53d Foot—Lieut. F. W. D. Waddilove, from the 50th Foot, to he Lieut. vice Bowman, promoted. 54th Foot—W. F. Hart, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Swin- burne, deceased. 55th Foot—Surg. A. Campbell, from the 22d Foot, to be Sorg. vice Currie, who exchanges. 63d Foot—Lieut. W. F. Carter to be Capt. without purchase, vice Darling, deceased. 66th Foot—Lieut. G. F. C. Bray, from 39th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Bell, appointed to the 7th Foot.