Tuesday, Sept. 14.
Smith and Clunn, Macclesfield Street South, stone-merchants—Amos and Kelham, Manchester—Peters and Banbury. Wood Street, riband-manufacturers—Barnes and Co. Curtain Road, Shoreditch, timber-merchants ; as far as regards R. Peirce—Dodd and Co. Manchester, pressers and finishers—Gwillim aud Webber, Newport, Monmouth- shire, chemical manufacturers—T. and J. Lewis, Bristol, provision-curers—Traill and Co. High Street, Wapping, ship-chandlers—Sutcliffe and Leach, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-stuff-manufacturers—J. R. and Z. Woodward, Donnington, farmers—Blenkiron and Co. Wood Street, Cheapside, carpet-bag-manufacturers--Smith and Stevenson, hionkwearmouth Shore. Durham, chain-makers—Perry and Co. Liverpool, shipwrights —Howarth and Sons, Rochdale, steam-boiler-makern—Hague and Buckley, Oldham, cotton-waste-dealers—Moat and Co. Wood Street, Cheapside, glove-manufacturers- Gamble and Sinclair, St. Helen's, Lancashire, manufacturing chemists ; as far as re- gards A. Sinclair—Harvey and Johnson, Harleston, Norfolk, land-agents—Butler and Deane, Woolwich, surgeons—Grant and Co. Glasgow.
BeacoN, THOMAS CHARLES, Great St. Helen's, drug-broker, to surrender Sept. 25, Oct. 27: solicitor, Mr. Lewis, Clement's Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
Dzsa, JOSEPH, Bryanatone Street, wheelwright, Sept. 21, Oct 27 : solicitor, Mr. Seard, North Crescent, Bedford Square; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
DUNLOP, JOHN, Dover Road, coal-merchant, Sept. 21, Oct. 21 ; solicitors, Mews' Redden and Co. Lime Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. Dunn, Jonw SPENCER, Coventry, draper, Sept. 23, Oct. 28: solicitors, Mr. Weeks, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn ; Menus. Dewes and Son, Coventry ; official assignee, Mr • Christie, fUrmingbam.
RtiwAimrs, Baser. Halifax, tea-dealer. Sept. 30. Nov. II : solicitors, Mr. Blenkarn, Clement's Lane; Messrs. Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds.
HANSFORD, JACOB, Newchurch, Isle of Wight, upholsterer, Sept 28, Oct. 27 : solici- tors, air. Brakenridge, Bartlett's Buildings ; Messrs. Cole and Russell, Ryde ; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
HATFIELD junior, JOHN, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, victualler, Sept. 24, Oct. 23 : solicitors, Messrs. Capes and Stewart, Gray's Ism; Mr. Stenton, Southwell ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Nottingham.
Hustirr, Joan. Halesowen, Worcestershire, victualler, Sept. 25, Nov. 2 : solicitors, Messrs. Spencer and Rollings, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham.
JENIYINS. FRANCIS, Love Lane, corn-merchant. Sept. 28. Oct. 28: solicitor, Mr. France, Godliman St., Doctors' Commons; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall St LANGDALE senior and junior. SAMPSON. Stockton upon-Tees, corn-dealers, Oct. 7, Nov. 2: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Co. Old Fish Street ; Messrs. Griffith and Crichton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Wakloy, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
POISE, Jonsr ENSOE, Union Row, Newington Butts, victualler, Sept. 28, Oct. 27: so- licitors, Messrs. Parnell and Tanqueray, New Broad Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
TAYLOR, Isaac CLEAVES, Change Alley, tailor, Sept. 25, Oct. 27: solicitors. Messrs. Marden and Prichard, Christchurch Chambers, Newgate Street ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
WELca, JOSEPH Sarum:Li, St. James's Street, printseller, Sept. 28, Oct. 27: solicitor, Mr. Gwynne, Temple Chambers, Fleet Street ; otHCinl assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. DIVIDENDS.
Oct. 7, Massey, Etruria. Staffordshire, gas-fitter—Oct. 5, Rollason, Birmingham, glass-dealer—Oct. 5, Tyler, Worcester, hop-merchant—Oct. 7, Attwood, Rowley Regis, Staffordshire, chain-manufacturer—Oct. 5, Brice, Bristol, merchant—Oct. 12, James and Herbert, Llanelley, Breconshire. grocers—Oct. 7, Hall, Carlisle, victualler—Oct. 5, Huntley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, wine-merchant—Oct. 7, Glllender, Sunderland, iron- monger—Oct. 7, Allison, Penrith, Cumberland, bookseller—Oct. 5, Hallowell, New- castle-upon-Tyne, mangler. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, amen cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Oct. 5, Smith, Kendal, commission-agent—Oct. 7. Roberts, Rodborough, Gloucester- shire, miller—Oct. 12, Baggott, Worcester, victualler—Oct 5, Rollason, Birmingham, glass-dealer.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Oct. 5. Humphries, Manchester, joiner—Berry, Manchester, agent—Dean, ClitheMe, Lan- cashire, grocer—Sime, Liverpool, block-maker—Capp, Duke Street, Manchester Square, tivery-stablekeeper—Hitchin, Oxford Street, draper—Hincheliffe, Wakefield, carrier— Cox, Salford, wine-dealer—Eugland, Bath, grocer.
BAIRD and Co. Modiesburn, Lanarkshire, lime-merchants, Sept. 18, Oct. 9.
DENNY and Co. Glasgow, merchants, Sept. 17, Oct. 12.
EDMONSTON, J., Glasgow, merchant, Sept. 21, Oct. 12.
JAMIESON and Co. Kilbirnie, flax-spinners, Sept. 18, Oct. 11.
Low, J., Dundee, flax-dresser, Sept. 18. Oct. 9.
MILLER, J., Dundee, brewer, Sept. 20, Oct. 11.
SMEATON, W., Glasgow, wright, Sept. 21, Oct. 13.
Wzsr, C., Glasgow, bookseller, Sept. 20, Oct. II.
Friday, Sept. 17.
Miller and Co. Blackwell, engineers ; as far as regards G. Cowen—kfiller and Co. Blackwell, engineers ; as far as regards II Birley—Ang, im and Co. Demerara, merchants ; as far as regards J. Anglim—Vince and Reffington, Downham, Norfolk, drapers—Arm- strong and Fisher, Red Lion Square, attornies—Cocking and Son, Union Row, Peck- ham, builders—Abbott and Co. Horse-shoe Wharf, Upper Thames Street, coal-mer- chants—J. and T. Deakin, Sheffield, merchants ; as far as regards T. Deakin--Mat- thewson and Clay, Newcastle-on-Tyne, coal-fitters—Bowies and Noake, Bristol, tim- ber-merchants--J. W. and J. W. Prior, Newington Causeway, silversmiths—Page and Grey, Fenchurch Street, corn-merchants—Scott and Co. Birmingham, stock-brokers; as far as regards H. Meredith—Kay and Smith, Liverpool, commission-agents—Mil- thorpe and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire. paper-dealers—Turner and Caryl, Woolwich, sur- geons—D and W. A. Peek, Camberwell Green, piano-forte-makers—Brunskiil and Ward, St. Helen's. Lancashire, chemists—Lancaster and Molyneux, Bombay—S. and J. Timperley, Ashton-under-Lyrae, drapers—Conway and Co. Liverpool, bedstead menu- facturers—Rossiter and Dix, Cheltenham, tailors—Neilson and Mitchell, Glasgow, en-
gineers. BANKRUPTS.
ARCHER, MICHAEL, and HALSALL, THOmAs, Liverpool, timber-merchants, to surren- der, Oct. 5, 26: solicitors, Messrs. Bridger and Co. London; Mr. Dodge, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.
BAKER. JosErrt and Joan, Fore Street, machinists, Sept. 24, Oct. 30 : solicitor, Mr. Lloyd, Milk Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street CLAPHAM, THOMAS, Liverpool, butcher, Oct. 5, 26: solicitors, Cornthwalte and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
EVANS, JOHN, Odlington, Worcestershire, corn-dealer, Sept. 30, Oct. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; -official assignee. Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
GRATRIE, WILLIAM HODGSUN, and TAVERNER, JOHN, Nuneaton, silk-manufacturers. Oct. 2, 26: solicitors, Mr. Cowdell jun. Hinckley; Mr. James, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
CREAM, CHARLES, Painswick, Gloucestershire, scrivener, Oct. 5, 28 : solicitors, Mr. Brisley, Pancras Lane, Cheapside ; Mr. Witchell, Stroud; official assignee, Mr. Acre- man, Bristol.
ROOK, jean, Southampton Street, Camberwell, builder, Sept. 29. Nov. 12 : solicitor, Mr. Harrison, New Inn; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
HALEY, JONAS, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, machine-maker, Sept. 30, Nov. II : solicitors, Mr. Sparham, Staple Inn; Messrs. Sykes and Co. 311111e Bridge, Huddersfield ; Mr. Sykes, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds.
REAMS, JOHN, Jury Street, watch-manufacturer, Sept. 30, Nov. 4: solicitor, Mr. redden, Cheapside; official assignee, kir. Johnson, BasInghall Street.
JACOB, Josspn Pam" Church Street. Camberwell, builder, Sept. 29, Nov. 9: soli- citor, Mr. Silvester, Great Dover St. ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. JONES. JAMES, Birkenhead, chemist, Sept. 30, Oct. 21: solicitors, Mr. Lowe, Chancery Lane ; Mr. Cross, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool LAMBERT, WILLIAM, Great Titchfield Street, grocer. Sept. 28, Oct. 28: solicitor, Mr. Enuckey, Wilmington Square ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings..1 LAW, RICHARD, Portland Row, Camberwell, pawnbroker, Sept. 29, Nov. 12 . solicitor, Mr. Parson, Temple Chambers; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. - LLOYD. ADOLPHUS FREDERICK, Brighton, confectioner, Sept 28, Nov. 9: solicitors, Rickards and Walker, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official aseig. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yd. Steams, Joins, Walsall, saddlers' ironmonger, Oct. 2, 28: solicitors, Messrs•Wilkimion strut Co. Walsall; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. Sturm, WILLIAM, Brambam, Yorkshire, brickmaker, Sept. 30, Nov. 11 : solicitors, Mr. Flddy, Temple; Messrs. Barr and Co. Leeds • official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. WILLIAms, WILLIAM, Kidwelly, Cannarthensare, timber-merchant, Sept. 28, Oct.26: solicitors, Messrs. SUIT and Co. Lombard Street ; Messrs. Castle and Henderson, Bris- tol ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.
Oet. 13, Sergeant, Maidstone, oilman—Oct. 9, Edmunds, Lowndes Street, hosier— Oct. 8, Straker and Co. Jarrow, Durham, ship-builders—Oct. 12, Gill, Richmond, York- shire, grocer. CERTIFICATES.
to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Oct- 9, Maude, Peckham, cement-manufacturer—Oct. 12, Ray, Wakefield, Yorkshire, manufacturer—Oct. 12, Tomlin, Coleford, Gloucestershire, grocer—Oct. 26, Field, 'Stratford-upon-Avon, 'Warwickshire-, mercer.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Oct. 8. Thomas, Gloucester, innkeeper—klorant, Connaught Terrace, Edgware Road, fish- monger— Thomas, Llivior, Moetgomeryehire, grocer—Keeler, Canterbury, glass-dealer Sugden, Bradford, Yorkshire, butcher—Guyton junior, Liverpool, merchant—Andrew, Manchester, fustian-manufacturer--Clark, Staple/0rd Abbotts, Essex, brush-manufac- turer—Machin, Manchester, grocer—Tantum, Nottingham, tobacco-dealer—OrreU, Manchester, gun-manufacturer.
Parker and Co. Sheffield, bankers; first and final div. of 614. on the separate estate of J. Rrewin ; first and final div. of Is. 61d. on the separate estate of J. Rodgers ; and first div of 12s. 6d. on the separate estate of H. Parker, Oct. 6, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Freeman, Leeds—Potter, Manchester, portable weighing machine- maker—first div. of Is, 1 itd. Oct. 12, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Man- ehester—llolt, Rochdale, innkeeper ; first div. of 5s. Oct. 12, or any subsequent Tues-
day t Air. Hobson, Manchester. scormi srutrzsraArrows. BAIRD, J. and A., Modiesburn, Lanarkshire, lime-merchants, Sept. 24, Oct. 15. CARSWELL, W. and J. S., Glasgow, bakers, Sept. 23, Oct. 14. Etrremsson, A., Glasgow, cabinet-maker, Sept 22. Oct. 13. WHYTE, D., Kinross, manufacturer, Sept. 24, Oct. 14.