18 SEPTEMBER 1852, Page 11
"Vive PEmpereur I "—that cry still hails the Usurper of
the 2d of De- cember. It is ostentatiously paraded in the Honiteur. When Louis Na- poleon left Bourges, this veracious authority declares, that "simple peasants" were heard to exclaim—" Yee, he is not only the elect of the French people, he is the elect of God!" But it is remarked, that at Ne- vers the ovation came from the so-called peasants, and that there was a studious absence of all Imperialist devices in the decoration of the town. These peasants are said to have marched into Nevers carrying banners inscribed some with "Vivo Napoleon II," some with "Vivo Napoleon III," all with Imperial sentiments.