18 SEPTEMBER 1852, page 21

Military Gazette. War-opme, Sept. 14.-10th Regt. Of Light...

Hon. A. A. S. Annesley, from the 16th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Severne, who exchanges; Cornet J. M. B. Murdoch, from the 3d Light Drags. to be Cornet, vice Bridgman, who......


On the 9th September, at Springfield House, Warwickshire, the Lady of Edmund Vernon Mackinnon, Esq., Fifth Dragoon Guards, of a son and heir. On the 10th, at Alderney,' Channel......

Prices Current.

BRITISH 1"UNDS. (Closing Prices. Saari. Moastay. Tussalay. Vedas. Thur.. Spec Cent Consols 901 100 991 901 99 Ditto for Account 100 1001 100 994 991 3 per Cents Reduced shut — —......

Commercial Gazette, Tuesday, September 14.

PARTNERsares DissoLvED.-Williamson and Heywood, Preston, cotton-manufac- turers- Stevens and Park, Manchester, architects-Mobbs and Phillips, Portman Place, Edgware Road,......