18 SEPTEMBER 1852, Page 2

There is no official news from America ; but in

the -United States, if not in the British Provinces, the people are usually so much in advance of the Government, that the popular news is some- times more important than the official. The broad facts are, that the Government of Cuba has discovered the conspiracy in con- nexion with the Order of the Lone Star ; that the Order continues active and is still expanding its military freemasonry in the Union; that a stream of emigration has set in from New York, as well as from California, for the gold-fields of Australia—not fewer than seven ships being named as departed or preparing in the Hudson ; that General Cass, in his shirt-sleeves, at a New York demon- stration for Franklin Pierce, preached the doctrine of interven- tion in Europe against the enemies of Democracy ; and that the fishers of the British coast protest, not less than the Americans, against the Downing Street settlement of the Fishery dispute. In connexion with these stirring facts, we must note the intima- tion of a London paper professing to act as the Ministerial organ, that the British Government has its eye on the Order of the Lone Star; that Lord Malmesbury will probably proceed to some sort of intervention ; and that two steam-frigates have been sent to re- inforce the British squadron in the West Indies. The reader will be struck with the momentous fact, that the largest interests and eventualities, in such a moving region, are in- trusted to the Foreign Minister of the Derby Cabinet.