A forecast of the interim Report of the Committee on.
Public Expenditure appears in Wednesday's papers. According to the Parliamentary representative of the Daily News, the principal recommendation relates to the Post Office telegraphic service, which is now run at a serious loss, and will probably lead to the restoration of shilling telegrams. It is also believed that the Committee recommend that the present low Press rates, by which the Post Office lose 2200,000 a year, should be increased. The Daily Chronicle, on the other hand, confines itself to the statement that the Committee have deoided to recommend the stoppage of salaries of Members of Parliament during the war, We hope that both forecasts are correct; in that of the Daily News we take a pecaliar interest, since the recommendations relating to the telegraphic service and the Press rates were made in an article on f' The Financial Emergency" which appeared in the Spectator for. June 5th.