An Income Tax On Wages.
[To THE EDITOU Or TIM SPECTATOE...] SIR.,—While every one agrees that all classes ought,to share according to their ability in bearing the enormous financial burden of this war,......
Youth And The War. [to Tim Editoie Or Tko "
SPROTATOII."] Stn,—Having read with great interest the article on " Age and the War" by " Senex" in last Saturday's Spectator, I venture to suggest a few thoughts that must be......
The Government And Economy,
[To TEE EDITOE OW TEN " $PECTATPE."3 Sim,—We are asked to economize, but the Government will not allow us to do so. As wo were short of a teacher, I offered to assist without......
Mr. Balfour On German Naval Methods. [to Trh Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—The last number of the Spectator contains an unfor- tunate misstatement. In the note on Mr. Balfour's letter (p. 323) he is quoted as saying that, "......