(A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct Solution opened alter noon on Tuesday week, September 29th, addressed Crossword, and bearing NUMBER of the puzzle to 99 Gower Street, Landon, W.C.1.]
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1. Disposed of about a card and com- forted. (7,)
5. A depot's housing a magistrate. (7.) 9. He got his marks from James. (5.) 30. He was asked why he sat singing " Willow, titwillow, titwillow." (9.)
11. Straightforward address to a humble dwelling. (6.) 12. " . . looks on - and Is never shaken " (Shakespeare). (Si) 14. It's back to begin with. (5.)
15. A Kipling village voted that the world was not this. (9.)
18. One would think this painter first specialised in water-colours. (9.) 20. The poet gave It a thousand eyes. (5.) 22. The motor quickly develops a hard case. (8.) 24. With little science the bird gets it in the neck. (6.) 26. For those who can't sit smoking 2 (9.) 27. Subsequently. (5.) 28. " Apes are apes though clothed in -" (Jonson). (6. 7.)
29. Nearly all follow confusion in the North. (7.)
I. Tiny chest. (Anne.) (9.) 2. Stories that might well be feet. (7.)
3. It's simply heavenly 1 (9.) 4. Defunct urge to action. (4.) 5. Not to be confused with the same edition. (10.) 6.
Stop talking and get on with the dishes. (3, 2.) In the course of the scrap science makes a start and less nuns up. (7.) Hamlet's people have taken to the hills. (5.) Dispatch MS. (10.) Just like 15 except that a tin dis- places the ball. (9.) Oral mix-up refit arising centrally. (9.) Wherein individuality has no place. (7.)
" Of praise a mere -, he swallowed what came " (Goldsmith). (7.) A little expletive followed by 13. (5.) A penny In a ring of bells. (5.) The dug-out that goes into the firing- tine. (4.)