A Spectator's Notebook
T HE account of an unsuccessful Russian attempt on Everest from the north, published in an Italian Alpine review and summarised in The Times by its Geneva correspondent, is......
A Shameful Admission For A Fraction Of A Second, When
I saw a paragraph on the front page of a Sunday newspaper headed Harding Back At Work Soon," I found myself trying to recall what had temporarily diverted the Chief of the......
The Peaceful Spirit
T the opening of the eighth Assembly of the United Nations in New York, Mr. Vyshinsky, without regard for the normal courtesies, jumped in to propose once again the acceptance......
Misleading ?
Somebody asked what was the French for a red herring (in the figurative, not the ichthyological sense). Nobody knew. Nor, when they came to think of it, did anybody know the......
Indifference " I Suppose," Said My Friend Reflectively, "...
one must accept Dr. Kinsey's point that; au fond, women are not really frightfully interested in men. But I think .he ought to have told us why they go on pretending to be."......
Hell For Leather The Report Says That The Expedition Is
being criticised in Russia; the critics maintain that its equipment was too heavy and that it was foolish to dispense completely with the services of Tibetan porters during the......
It Can Now Be Revealed Battle Of Britain Week Seems
a suitable time to recall the incident of the Oxfordshire parachutist. On a fine morning about thirteen years ago an aircraft, of a type unfamiliar to the local Observer Corps,......