`THE SPECTATOR' continues to maintain its tradition of offering an
election platform to each of the three parties. In the past, we have invited party leaders to have their say; on this occasion, how- ever, we have decided to ask three younger men, each of whom has already distinguished himself in the House of Commons and his party's counsels. And in view of the great quantity of manifestoes and authoritative statements already issuing from the party headquarters, we thought readers might prefer to have three politicians writing reasoned critiques of their opponents' policies rather than stating their own. Next week, therefore, Mr. J. E. S. Simon, QC, MP for Middlesbrough West and Financial Secre- tary to the Treasury, will write on behalf of the Conservatives; Mr. Roy Jenkins, MP for Stechford, on behalf of the Labour Party; and Mark Bonham Carter, MP for Torrington, on behalf of the Liberals. We believe that these three MPs, each characteristic of the newer (and saner) forces in his party, can be relied upon to make a fresh and independent assessment of the election issues.