Conservative Funds
SIR,—Now that a General Election is upon appeal to Conservatives to contribute generbuslY their Constituency Election Funds, and 1 request th who are able to subscribe to the......
Shoppers' Guide Sir,-1 Really Cannot Follow Miss...
in your issue of September 4 that the Good Housekeeping Institute is 'the only body which guarantees to the consumer repayment of his money if he is not satisfied with the......
SIR,—Mr. L. E. S. Leese is unfair in asking Sir Ad' Boult to exercise control over the behaviour Promenade audiences since he last appeared as I ll principal conductor in 1947......
Vie 6pertator
SEPTEMBER 20, 1834 A DUEL took place on Wednesday last week in F a r which was attended by singular circumstances. of the combatants having had the first fire, pia' himself in......
Science Fiction
SLR, —Mr. Kingsley Amis takes a rather de haat bas attitude to my article on Soviet SF. He deck I have made some misstatements about American This js, he adds, because mine is a......
'the Control Of The Purse' Sir,—mr. Davenport's Review Of My
book The Con- trol of the Purse (Spectator, August 14) lays down a very dangerous constitutional doctrine which, I feel, must not be allowed to stand uncontradicted. It is......
Falling Prices
SLR, —In his article on falling prices in your 57th Financial Survey, Mr. Hollis appears to adopt an unduly defeatist attitude. During two periods in the history of this......