river (1a)
Caduceus, perhaps, of pale copper
Does justice to the ceremonies?
Set points for family patrons (9) pesign of a classical crib? (5, 3) But his clear — Yet reigns o'er earth' (Shelley) (6)
Steal baby's bed? (4) 7 Love to get married! (4)
'He thundered back to — gate' (Newbolt) (5)
:Always in a place of rest (5) The smoke of Edinburgh (4) palindromic activity (4)
Idea deny(6) that I get on; it's only an
i Savage in the box in Hertford- shire (8) How to make clear a tied clue (9) oah and she in a ship on the 30 French oil had its root in America 5 31 ( Jun) ior relation to the Red Sea? (4) 32 News dispatch, apposite, might bring the light (10) DOWN I Get to grips with a young person? (5) 2 It's the abs,plute limit! (9) 3 Like as clover might be (6)
4 Performed in crossing pons asino- rum? (6-4)
5 Friends go into a huddle in the mountains (4) 7 The donkey's first-class, very musical! (5) 8 Pluto dispatched Edward (9) 9 Is the dentist's work only tem- porary, then? (7) 14 Signs of industrial stoppage? (4, 6) 15 Unworthy islander is, naturally, kept underfoot! (5, 4) S. IS
first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of ok token for one guinea will he awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions coed on Sept. 29. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1055, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.
hunibers'3 Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords. Solution on October 2
18 I get in after a little angel, so musical (9)
19 I would myself get nothing with a convulsion, stupid (7) 23 'While all beauty lies —' (Herrick) (6) 25 Telephonic communication deve- loped on the Limpopo River (5) 27 Some do this in chariots, says the Psalmist (5) 28 Deceiver comes up by train (4)
11111111111 11111111111 INIII111111111111111 ii111111111111 111111111 NI II III 11