I NOTICE THAT the Conservative Party posters— 'Life's Better With
The Conservatives—Don't Let Labour Ruin It'—have now disappeared from the hoardings; but they have been succeeded by posters put out by the National Union of Manu- facturers, which say 'Free Enterprise Has Brought You Prosperity. Don't Let Nationalisation Ruin It.' No doubt the NUM has consulted its legal advisers and received an assurance that its ex- penditure on advertising cannot be charged against the Conservative Party electoral expenses, but I should have thought such blatant partisan- ship at this time is ill-advised. Still, it is unlikely to help the Conservatives, busy building up the image of the national non-class party, to be branded as the party of the bosses. Incidentally, why does the NUM say 'You'? Surely it would be better to substitute 'Us' for both 'You' and 'It' in the slogan?