nooks and Records Wanted
Z.1LE. Recording of Mermaid Theatre production (1975). LF'....H! Spectator Box 718.
DO o IT sung b Eartha Kitt on 78 r.p.m. Write Spectator ciy 719.
Any books by Francis Stuart, including foreign editions. fe S. C. Stout, Richmond House, Woodhall Spa, Lincs. , "6 FACTORY MOVEMENT 1830-55 by J. T. Ward, ndon 1962. Tel : 01-651 2383.
VOYAGES AND CRUISES OF COMMODORE mALKER edited by R. E. Vaughan in the Seafarers Library 5DH4blished by Cassell in 1928. Write : Spectator Box 716.
▪ E• BATES non-fiction titles wanted. Write: Spectator 717.
DESERT SONG. Nelson Eddy. Recording sought to N° ace utterly worn out favourite. Please write : John ,..,1:30hover, 14a, Finchley Road, NW8 or telephone (evenings) -722 2978.
IlNCE IS ENOUGH by Miles Smeeton, (Mariner's Library) t;!!'les urgently needed. Contact : A. Shire, Hart-Davis ZlcGibbon, 3 Upper James St. W1. !HE LENGTHENING SHADOW: the life of Thomas J ZNvrailson, by T. & M. Belden. (Little Brown & Co 1962) A„..1,___0 Spectator Box 714.
THING on Philately, Postal History, Oxford History of o'!gland, Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Kilvert's Spectator Box 710. • NALS OF THE PARISH by John Galt Turner. 17 Purley .i.Y Avenue, Purley, Surrey.
F E COLLECTED POEMS OF BASIL BUNTING (published ulc — rum) and COUNTRYMAN'S TOOLS (title possibly ".Fcurate: published Batsford). M. Stephens, 17 Elers Road. ,t7t,nrid, London W.13.
s,.:CHENER by Philip Magnus. Colonel Pardon, 37 Belgrave ciLuare, London SW1.
e."'00 THINGS IN ENGLAND, subtitled : A Practical 40°,ktearlY Book for Everyday Use. Edited by Florence White, or BOX 711. i;mrGNER'S RING. Complete Solti boxed recording wanted Et;tch free ! Price please to Spectator Box 712. • LA FITZGERALD, early recordings wanted. Spectator .0k 713.