18 SEPTEMBER 1976, page 29

The Sunnier King

John Kenyon Louis XIV and Absolutism and Louis XIV and Europe edited by Ragnhild Hatton (Macmillan £10 each, £4.95 paper) Less than twenty years ago anyone who did not read......


Nick Totton Blaming Elizabeth Taylor (Chatto and Windus £3.50) An Instant in the Wind Andre Brink (W. H. Allen £3.95) Rising R. C. Hutchinson (Michael Joseph £5.00) Blaming is......

Books And Records Wanted

SOMERSET Historical Descriptive Biogiaphical. Published 1 908 in Mates County Series by W. Mate & Sons Ltd. Bournemouth X, London. Write. Sir C. Chancellor, Hunstrete House,......