Books and Records Wanted
SOMERSET Historical Descriptive Biogiaphical. Published 1 908 in Mates County Series by W. Mate & Sons Ltd. Bournemouth X, London. Write. Sir C. Chancellor, Hunstrete House, Pensford, Bristol.
OUILLER-COUCH The Art of Reading. The Art of Writing. J. E. Brown, 151, Kennington Road, London 5E11 6SF THE GREASY POLE by Reginald Beams. Hodders 1985 Single copies or up to three wanted. 37. Queens Drive. Liverpool.
MACBEAN, Dictionary of Ancient Geography. Mainenzhagen, any titles. Write Spectator Box 720. URGENTLY WANTED. Copy of David COPperfield in ARABIC for research purposes. Borrow or buy. Mikdadi. Mallards Cottage. South Green Lane, Fingtinghoe. Colchester CO5 7DR.
KWAIDAN by Lafcada Hearn. A Dictionary of Popes, Donald Attwood. Catholic Book Club. Church of the Word Incarnate, Charles Journet. Sheed & Ward. Major L. HIPST 40. Purley Oaks Road, Sanderstead, Surrey.
LIGHT VERSE by A. A. Milne, J. B. Morton ('Beachcomber) D. B. Wyndham Lewis ('Timothy Shy') and A. P. Herbert (not the patriotic wartime poems). Also Poetical Works of Thomas Sackville. Earl of Dorset. Write Kingsley Amis, Garon, House, Flask Walk, London NW3.
GRINLING GIBBONS by A. Tipping or D. Green. AISO interested in other books about wood carving and wood carvers. Phone 01-546 8637.
JOY STREET, Numbers 2, 3, 4. 11 & 12. Pub. Blackwell. 1928-1938. Write : Spectator Box 715.
THE UNBOUND PROMETHEUS by David S Landes (C UP.) THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION by Walter Bagehor Contact George Aird, 18 Hobart, Whitley Bay, N Tyneside, Tel: Whitley Bay 22759.