The Paris Conference appears to have closed its sittings on
Wednesday ; still, however, leaving certain members of the body as Commissioners to complete matters of detail. These matters are not very well described. Something has to be done respecting the arrangements of the Danube, something perhaps in finally arranging the records of the Conference. Meanwhile, Austria has taken a very remarkable position in Italy ; having occupied with troops the border of the territories conterminous with the state of Sardinia, as if danger were to be apprehended from that quarter. No explanation has been given of these proceedings, which appear to present "the Italian question" in a very critical aspect. Lord Clarendon leaves the Conference, we are assured by Ministers, to complete on his return a carefully-conned letter on the subject of the differences with the United States,— a letter for which the publication of the American correspondence is delayed.; but in the interim, Ministers have thought it necessary to give, through the journals and Parliament, a distinct assurance that the despatch of a portion of our disengaged troops and mili- tary munitions to Canada, is not intended as an act of hostility, but of simple restoration to the status ante helium.