The election for Athlone isthe third that has gone against the Govern- ment. Two candidates went to the poll,—Mr. John Ennis, nominally a liberal, but one who is very unpopular,......
T4t Verupulis.
A Common Hall was held in the Guildhall on Tuesday, to consider the provisions of Sir George Grey's bill for the better regulation of the Cor- poration of London. It was a large......
The Education Voluntaries Met With A Slight Defeat At...
last week. A meeting to take the matter into consideration was convened by the Mayor, at the instance of a numerously-signed requisition. Mr. .Akroyd, whose exertions in behalf......
The Convention of Royal Burghs sat in annual P891011 at Edinburgh on Tuesday and Wednesday, in the Justiciary Court room. In the ab- sence of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, the......