19 APRIL 1856, Page 9



Since the last return by the Bank of England, showing that the amount of bullion had descended to a lower point than at any period since 1847, when the current rate of interest was 8 per cent, the speculators in the Funds have been leas sanguine of an immediate reduction in the present rate. The abundance of Stock created upon the Loan payments has occa- sionally an unfavourable effect on Consols' combined with the popular belief that a fresh loan will be required soon after the final instalment upon the present one. The recent payment of the Dividends has afforded some relief in the discount-market ; at the Bank of England the demand has been less ; and in the Stock Exchange money has been a little easier; but unless the arrivals from Australia and other places should be ample there can be no permanent ease as the remittances of gold to Constantinople connected with the Turkish Loan are likely to be heavy for the next four weeks. The Funds have been 3 lower this week : Consols for Money have been done at 92k; the public have since been pur- chasers, and last evening they stood at 933 3. The announcement of the termination of the Paris Congress and the favourable accounts from the Bourse had a good effect. Today there have been few variations. Consols have been done at 93 to 933, and close at 933 3, and 933 3 for Account. Bank Stock is 3 lower than last week.

The French Funds have advanced about f, and a further considerable rise has occurred in French Railway Shares. The mania for speculation is increasing in Paris, and is extending through the Continent ; in most of the principal towns projects are afloat for establishing a Credit Mobilier Bank. At Hamburg there is a great pressure for money, and the rate of discount has increased to 7 per cent. On Monday there was a decline of 48. in the Corn-market. The gold and specie arrivals have comprised 129,000/. from the West Indies, and 349,1241. from Australia. Athices from New York mention that large shipments of cotton had created a supply of bills on England, and was likely to limit the remittances of specie. In Foreign Securities, the operations during the week have been mode- rate, and there is little alteration to notice. Turkish Six per Cents are 3, and Mexican 3 better. Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents are 1, and Spanish Three per Cents 3 lower. Exertions have been in force for some time past to obtain registration for the Turkish Guaranteed Bonds, so that proprietors desirous of doing so may register in their names or jointly with others. On Saturday the Ottoman Minister promised a deputation that the subject should receive his best attention, and he would commit with the Bank of England.

In Railways, the fluctuations have been slight, and on the average there is little difference compared with last week. Great Western is 645 5 ; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 89 3; London and North-Western, 1015 2; Midland, 75 3. In French Shares there has been a large business doing at a consider- able advance, owing to the rise in Paris ; and although today there has been a reaction, the improvement still shown is—Paris and Orleans, 4/.; Paris and Lyons, 3/. Ins. ; Northern of France, and Great Central of France, 1/. 15s.; Eastern of France, 11. 108.

Midland, 75; South-Eastern, 733.

3 per Cent Consols 934 4

Ditto for Account 934 3 per Cent Reduced 92 1

New 3 per Cents 921 3

Long Annuities 3 3-16 Dank Stock 2121 131 Exchequer Bills 3 dis. par India Stock 228 31 Austrian 5 per Cents 89 92 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Belgian 41 per Cents 95 7 Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4 Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Danish 3 pa Cents 83 5


The English Funds are very steady this morning, and are without altera- tion. Consols for Money are 933 3, and for Account 933 3. Exchequer Bills 3 discount par. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 41,562,/. In Foreign Stocks there are no symptoms of business. In Railways there is very little movement; only four bargains have been recorded at present—East Anglian, 17; London and North-Western, 1013;

Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 41 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents Turkish 6 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 63 5 93 5 221 31 77 79 54 6 ' 48 50 104 6

94 6 45 1 241 1 94 6 87 90 981 9 1011 2 BAN OF ENGLAND.

An in:count, pursuant to the Act 7th and 828 Victoria, cap. 33, for the week ending on Saturday, the 12th day of April 1834.


Rates issued £23,905,130 Government Debt £11,015,100

Other Securities 9,469,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 9,430,130 Silver Bullion £13,905,130



Proprietors' Capital £14,153,600

Bast 3,154,745 Public Deposits 3,443,138 Other Deposits 12,314,701

Seven Day. and other BMA 808,960

£34,278,542 £34,276,542 Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, @ Dividend AeCts.

The whole of the old Directors of the Royal Mail Steam-Packet Company have resigned, in consequence of the recent vote increasing the bonus from 21. to 51. They state, that after a, majority of the meeting had accepted their report, a ballot was demanded, andone or two proprietors carried the 51. bonus by using 431 proxies, which had been intrusted to them before the report was issued. The resignation appears in effect to be an appeal to the proprietors generally against this alleged surmisal by two of their body. On the other hand, these gentlemen—Mr. E. Heseltine and Mr. T. W. Powell—declare, in a letter to the Times, that there was no surprise, for the Directors knew before of the course intended to be pursued : as to the proxies, twenty or thirty of the shareholders who had given them heard the debate, and not one withdrew his proxy ; and the letter-writers believe all the persons who had forwarded proxies to them would have acted in the same way had they been present at the meeting.

The Deposit and General Life Assurance Company held an annual meet- ing last week ; reporters were excluded ; but after the meeting a flourishing report of it was advertised, at great expense. The late Auditors have since impugned the accuracy of that account. It appears that their report, being of an unfavourable character, was rejected; they were dismissed, and things were "made pleasant." John Sadleir, it is said, was a Trustee of this com- pany; and Mr. Clement Sadleir was formerly Managing Director. Lord J)rumlanrig is the Chairman.

The Secretary, Mr. Doyle, has sent a reply to the Times. He charges Mr. Chatteris and Mr. Clench, the Auditors—who are connected with ano- ther assurance company, of which Mr. Clench is managing director—with acting unfairly towards the Deposit Company. They have made out the balance-sheet on different principles from those they adopted in preparing that of the other company. Mr. Doyle says that they have not only omitt,ed to place the sums due on half-credit premiums as assets, but have made a deduction for them ; the paid-up capital they have put down as a liability ; they have charged all the preliminary expenses at once, instead of spread- ing them over many years ; they have not treated the uncalled capital fairly, nor the contingent liabilities to arise on policies, omitting to mention 35,000/. of reassurances. Mr. Doyle does not refer to the payment of divi- dends. The .71Mes suggests that the affairs of the company should be exa- mined by an independent accountant or actuary.

An application was made, last week, to Vice-Chancellor Kindersley for an order to wind-up the too notorious Protestant Life and Fire Insurance Com- pany. The petition was at the instance of the Directors, or the "Com- pany ": it is insolvent, and a digress for rent has been put in at the offices of the concern. As it did not appear in the petition who are the Directors, or what the capital is, the Vice-Chancellor refused to make the order prayed for, but merely made one for amending the petition.

The Grand Surrey Docks and Canal Company have declared a dividend of 4 per cent for the past year.

It has been found necessary to carry the affairs of Mr. W. 0. Young into the Bankruptcy Court, in consequence of the liabilities that may arise from the underwriting branch of the business. Two merchants have pronounced an opinion, from an examination of certain letters, that the late Mr. Beakwith of Newcastle was a partner with Mr. Young.

A company is projected for working Mr. Hammes patent for making olefiant gas ; capital 50,000/., with limited liability. The object is to supply country churches, houses, factories, and other places where coal-gas cannot be obtained, with materials and apparatus for theproduction of gas. If the promises of the prospectus can be fulfilled, especially as to the cost of the gas, the scheme promises to be a boon to the public.

Among the novel schemes under the Limited Liability Act, is a "West London Horse and Carriage Repository Company" : capital 10,000/.

A "General Bank of Switzerland" is projected, with an exclusive power to issue notes on demand to the extent of three times its stock of bullion.

The last mercantile advices from India are again favourable, and show a gadded improvement in the demand for Manchester goods.

The salt trade of Gloucester with Russia has been resumed : the trade is an important one for the port.

CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday .Apidl 18, including season-ticket-holders, 14,327.

Government Securities (inclu-

ding Dead WeightAnnuity) E12,918,437

Other Securities 16,704,328

Notes 3,895,040

Gold and Silver Coin 668,637