19 APRIL 1884, Page 2

On Wednesday, Sir William Harcourt made an amusing speech at

Derby. He remarked that when Lord George Hamil- ton was so angry with them for bringing in separately a. Franchise Bill "to help on a Redistribution Bill," he was only avowing his own ardent desire to get a Redistribution Bill to. help in putting back the Franchise Bill. He referred to Lord Randolph's campaign as that of "a vivacious and erratic young Lord, who is at this moment starring it in the Midlands, and who, like a war-rocket aimed at the enemy, recoils amongst his own friends, and goes fizzing, and flaring, and exploding among them, much to their own dismay." Sir William Har- court had studied with interest "the evangel of the Mahdi of Birmingham," and found that it indicated a disloyalty to his own, leader, which hardly promised well for the unity of the Opposi- tion. Lord Randolph had told his audience that he knew what Tory policy ought to be, but he then abruptly paused, and kept the secret to himself. It is not by an Opposition of this kind,. nor even by a "Primrose league," said Sir William Harcourt, that a united party which commands a majority of 130 can be- defeated. And of trying a dissolution with such a majority,, the Liberals had at present no sort of intention. He concluded by reiterating, with great emphasis, the Egyptian policy of the Government as a policy of "rescue and retire."