The Clergy And Vivisection.
pro TIM EDITOR OF THY " SPECTATOLI Sta,—Your correspondent, Rev. F. 0: Morris, has displayed his usual high feeling in repudiating, with honest indignation, the charge made......
The Proposal Of Aberdeen.
[To THE EDITOR OF TNZ “srscr.troa."1 Snt,—Your correspondent, " Spero Meliom," puts the case very mildly indeed, when he says that "there are difficulties un- doubtedly in the......
F. D. Maurice And J. Macleod Campbell. •
To TH3 EDITOR OF THZ " BPRCTATOR.") SIR,—I am reading that profoundly interesting book "The Life of Maurice," and in common, I am sure, with all who are well acquainted with the......
Over-pressure In Schools.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—At the recent meeting of Board-School Managers, held at the Rooms of the Society of Arts, Mr. Forster and Mr.Mundella both made a very......