Sintram and his Companions. Illustrated by Heywood Sumner. (Seeley and
Co.)—This is a new translation, or, to speak more ex- actly, an adaptation of the first translation, which was published. in 1820 (six years after the appearance of the original), and was the work of Julius Hare. The characteristics of the work, which,. though it has not the wonderful beauty of "Decline," is its equal„ possibly its superior, in some sterling literary qualities, are well giverr in this version, a version which, without being in any way rough, is• not polished down to a feeble smoothness. Here is a passage from the last chapter bat one, the meeting of Sintram and his mother :— " Silently weeping, the son knelt down before his mother, kissing her garment as it floated between the bars, and felt as if in Paradise, where every wish and every tumult is hushed. Dear mother,' he
said, 'let me become a holy man, as thou art a holy woman. Then will I enter the monk's cloister up yonder, and perchance in some time to come I may be found worthy to be thy confessor, when the sickness and weakness of age shall keep the good Chaplain at the castle of Drontheim." That would be a fair, still, and happy life, my good son,' replied Verena. Bat that is not thy destiny. A brave and mighty knight then must remain, and employ the long life which is almost always the lot of us children of the North in the defence of the weak and the taming of the wicked.'" The illustra- tions are well suited to the text.