19 APRIL 1919, Page 15


[To TRZ EDITOR. OP 'MR " SPCZTATOR.") Sts,--Your readers may be aware. that there are still some thousands of Australian soldiers in this country and France to be repatriated to their homes. It is desired that es many as possible should. have an opportunity of visiting on English home as a last impression of the- "Old Country:" I think nobody will deny that these. gallant men have deserved well of the British people, and if any of your readers feel able to entertain one or more of these men at their homes, I should be very Wed to hear from them and supply. any information on the matter they may deeire.—I am, Sir, Ac., Tic Hospitality Department. Administrative Headquarters, Ail'. 1. 130 Homeferry Bead, S.W. 1.