Domestic Service.
[To THE .EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOE."1 . • all the arrangements at present suggested for the improvement in social conditions for.domestic servants should -not something he done......
Tile Society For The Promotion Of Nature Reserves.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPEC/MB:] read with interest the article in your issue of March 29th on the preservation of common-lands, and observed the reference to the splendid work......
Tee .first Seven .ditisions.
[To THE Emma or sus " SPEOZ/TIM."] Sui,—Officers and men .of the "First Seven Divisions" owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Winston Churchill for bie decision to add , a distinctive......
The Cleansing Of Persons Act.
[To THE EDITOR or TOE "Srmmorm:] &IL—The Joint Parliamentary Advisory Council desire to bring to the notice of your readers the Report they have just published on the urgent......
National 'health.
[To rat Enrroa -or SHE SPECTLTOE."1 . S111,—Whilst agreeing with Sir James 'Mackenzie that the :study of symptoms is perhaps - the most important methodof arriving at a correct......
The - 29rn Division Memortal Service.
[To TEE ElaTOTt be Ten " SPELTLT011."1 shall be grateful if, as-in 'former years, -you will allow me through the Spectator to call 'the attention of toll 'friends of the 29th......
British Sufferers In Germany.
[To THE Enema or THE " SPECTATO8."] Ste,—May I through the medium of. our paper make known to the public what effect the blockade has had on one individual ease? It must be only......