19 APRIL 1919, Page 15


[To rim Ewan en xaa " Bescuroa."1

Sia,—Some words, which conclude a book review in the Spec- tator of March 29th express, as I humbly think,, the conclusion of the whole matter on the subject of reunion. May I quote them?= "Denominations will continue to exist; the. distinction between Church and Chapel; which is partly temperamental and, partly, cultural, is not easily, broken down: But unity of spirit is not violated because one man. attends Church and another Chapel; it is violated only when either rejects or excommunicates the other because of these indifferent things." Let me offer an illustration. I am a Wosleyau Without for a moment assuming the infallibility of my denomi- nation. I will venture to say that so long as the great Church of England allows any of its clergy or people to feel that they do wrong- if they enter a Wesleyan chapel, not even the Bishop of London's ohivalrous projects will make the two become- one now or in forty years. And, after all, why should they be one except in spirit P. Even. airthinge are. they can stand together for whale the' Timer once, sailed "the great and enduring, commonplaces of. religion."

Permit another quotation from the review. in, question:—

" Perhaps the greatest hindrance to. religious unity in this cenntry is the obsession of an unattainable and meaningless uniformity which haunts the clerical imagination. This obses- sion is: not found- only among: the Anglican clergy; It may be '411Ba'tfie Official Fallacy,.' bectiuswofficiale—Bishops, Modern. tors, Chairmen,. Presidents—are peculiarly exposed to it; its habitat is the.official mind."

Alas! too often, women, as well as men, cherish the exclusive. and official mind. But why should any of us, rejoicing as we universally do in diversity and variety in the world, in our families, and wherever else, we turn, hesitate to welcome it in the broad fields of religion? We no more need all bo Anglicans or Baptista or Wesleyans than all the King's armies and all the King's men need' he Grenadiera.

Remember the situation is grave. Is all the agony of the war to bring no improved relationships in the realm of religion? We have argued long and are arguing still about Orders, and' traditions and points of ritual, and all the time the world fbr which our Lord was crucified is crucifying Him afresh and' putting Him to open shame. Is it quite certain that none of the nails are driven by hands like mine—hand., that ie, which open one little denominational gate into Heaven. as though there were no other entrance; whereas the hands of the Crucified have. opened the Kingdom of Heaven to all

90 Cheriton Road, Folkestone.