The only new indirect tax is on beer. The standard
barrel of -thirty-six gallons will bear an additional _tax of 8s. Mr. Snowden has removed the one remnant of the Betting Taxes by repealing the /10 tax on bookmakers' certificates. All the Safeguarding duties are to-be allowed to lapse at the end of their five-year* Period but Mr. Snowden is retaining the McKenna arid silk -citifies* till he can afford to do without them. He proposes legis- lation, or administrative changes, for preventing the avoidance . of taxation. _ He will make it impossible to avoid Death Duties by turning estates into private companies, and impossible to dodge the Surtax by single premium insurances. He will give taxing authorities more power to obtain information about incomes and he will establish the liability to tax of non-residents trading in this country. .