In Dealing With Debt Redemption Mr. Snowden Took A High
line about Mr. Churchill's formal deficit of /14,500,000. 'He said that this amount must be recovered for its proper purpose and that he would make it impossible for future......
We Have Discussed The Budget In ,a-leading Article And Here
we need not do more than summarise the main facts. Although Income Tax has been raised from 4s. to 4s. 6d. the new graduation saves about three quarters of the payers from any......
Editorial And Publishing Offices: 99 Cower Street,...
Subscription to the SPECTATOR costa Thirty Shillings per zrinuns, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. - - The - Postage on......
News Of The Week The Budget Tt Was A Proof
of the closeness with which' Mr. Snowden had kept his secrets that he upset all the prophets by his Budget speech on Monday. - A sixPenny increase in 'Income Tax had on the......
The Only New Indirect Tax Is On Beer. The Standard
barrel of -thirty-six gallons will bear an additional _tax of 8s. Mr. Snowden has removed the one remnant of the Betting Taxes by repealing the /10 tax on bookmakers'......