19 APRIL 1930, Page 16


Rode thro' the snug & shelter'd Hamlet of Binkham EBincombe] & afterward came to Mr. Williams's late the residence of the famous Physician Sir Ed: Wilmot. The Farm is now occupied by a young intelligent Somersetshire Farmer (Ham) who we found looking over one of His Flock of 400 Ewes. The King spoke much to Him & rode over His Farm. He crosses His breed of Dorsetshires with Somerset- shire Rams— He expects by this cross to improve the size & wool of the Dorsets. His Farm is abt. 000 Acres. They thatch well in this country, tho' not so well I think as in Somersetshire. What makes their thatch look so well is that they draw out from the Wheat Sheaf the longest straw & then putting them together cutt off the Ear & afterwards thresh out the Corn ; by this method all the pipes of the straw are unbruised & unbroken. The thatch made of this straw looks very much like Reed thatch, only of a slighter quality, & the Straw so selected & cut they call" Reeds "- * * * *