19 APRIL 1930, Page 16


After Breakfast His M. attended by the P. of W. P.E. & the usual suite rode by Upway to Farmer Ham's— On the road met Ld. Salisbury posting to the Council. His M. rode over Farmer Ham's Farm & made many enquiries which were answer'd with much intelligence by this spirited young Farmer. His Maj : made me note some of the Memorandum which He wish'd to recollect from Hence, announcing Me to all around as "His Farming Secretary." His M. was pleased with the folding Sheep upon sown wheat, a practise not unusual in this County & which seems a very good one. After the Wheat is sown they Told over the Land as soon as they well can. The Farmer says that an acre so folded exceeds the advantage of 14 14. of manure per acre in the usual way. It suits best in light Lands & does not answer so well in strong, & the land should. be folded in dry weather. The fold we saw was abt. three Hurdles by twenty & contain'd Nr. 400 Sheep. Farmer Ham upon my enquiring Abt. the practice of taking in Hampshire flocks to pasture during the Summer months ori the Downs assures Me, that instead of paying any thing the Farmers let them graze the _Downs for the advantage only. of the Fold. This intelligence must be further enquired into. I

find that they keep them for nothing but "The Tails o' Them."

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