19 APRIL 1930, Page 16


During the Hunt I saw one of the Dorsetshire Yeomen, a farmer who has settled near Upway from Somersetshire (Mr. Hain) The King has often had conversation with Him abt. His Sheep. I put in my word this day abt. Them. I find He is more partial to the Somersetshire sheep than to the Dorsets. The K. has commissioned Him to get two Prime Rams from Somersetshire I believe to cross with His Wiltshires. They will shorten the legs of the Wiltshires & give them breadth—as He says. If so, they may improve the breed, as they are generally too long in the Legs & too thin a sheep to please Me. Farmer Ham tells Me the best Sheep of His County (Somerset) are bred by Mr. Perkins at Henley near Croheme (sic). He is a tenant of IA. Pouletts. A Mr. Hallett also has prime Somerset Sheep.

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