The 'Emden,' which ranged the seas for three months, eluding
all efforts at capture, is probably the greatest privateer in history, and her coinmander, Captain" N,on Muller, js worthy to rank with our own naval heroes. In The Ayesha, d Great Adventure (Philip Alan 7s. (kl.) Mr. Lockhart, already well -blown for his narratives of the sea, outlines the career of the famous German cruiser as an introduction to the almost more remarkable story of Lieutenant von Macke's landing party of forty-nine individuals, who Were sent ashore at Cocos Keeling Island to wreck the cable and wireless stations there. While engaged in this destruction they heard the ' Emden's ' syren calling them back instantly ; but before they could reach their ship she had .steamed out at full speed to meet the 'Sydney.' After the Emden ' was shot to pieces and stranded on North Keeling Island, the' Sydney' returned to the cable station, but found that the German landing party had disappeared in a leaky old schooner, the ' Ayesha.' How these brave and resourceful men found their way up the Red Sea, and so through Turkey to their native land is one of the most thrilling sea stories of the 1Var,