Charing Cross Bridge • Sir 'Henry Cautley has announced the -
decision of the Select. Committee of the House of Commons, who have been Considering the London County Council's Charing Cross Bill. Briefly, the Committee approve of the scheme in respect of the Charing . Cross side of the liver .but disapprove of it in respect of the Lambeth side. They argue with much force that if the new station Of the Southern •RailWay is -placed hard by the Lambeth end of the new bridge a magnificent Site for development will be prejudiced from the beginning. The site would be cluttered up With railway buildings, and owing to one road passing over the other there would be a number of . _ . . • tunnels and blank walls. Sir Edwin Lutyens,- who was not consulted by the London County _Council -until their scheme had taken substantial shape, hopefully spoke of the tip` iels as arcades. But few 'Londoners • who are interested in town-planning can Share his faith. . *. * * • *- •