The Bishop of Birmingham and the 'Anglo-Catholics OA , Monday, the
Bishop of Birmingham issued a state- ment in reference to the successful action which was brought against him lately in the Chancery Division after he had refused to institute clergy who practised public reservation. He says that throughout he has simply tried to insist that the clergy shall obey their ordination vows and the rule of Parliament, and that he long ago Made up his mind that if legal action should be taken against him he would not defend himself in a Court of Law. He regarded' all such disputes as "moral and spiritual.' Here Dr. Barnes is clearly on good tactical ground as against the Anglo-Catholics Who have always derided the authority of the lay Courts He adds that if his oppo- nent§ should press their rcase against him in the Chancery Divisicin and he should be sent to prison he would "without complaint thus serve the cause of Reformed religion." - * -*• * .