19 AUGUST 1854, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Price0

Saturd. dfonday. Tuuday. Wednos

Thurs, Friday.

ti per Cent Consols

931 931 931 83; 931 94 Ditto for Account 931 93i

931 931 94

3 per Cents Reduced

931 931 931 93

945 94/ 31 per Cents Long Annuities 941 4/ 941 4/ 94 931 94 4 941 11 Bank Stock, Spar Cent 210 2091

208 2081 Ile India Stock, 101 per Cent


228 - Exchequer Bills, 214. per diem

I pm.

2 die. 1 din. 1 din. 2 pm. 1 die.

India Bonds 4 per Cent


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 9p. Ct.

Belgian 41 -

Ditto 24 -

921 Mexican 3 p. Ct.

Mississippi a - New York a

241 901 ex d.

Brazilian 6 - 1001 Peruvian 41 70 Buenos Ayres 6 - -

Portuguese a

Milian 6 - 1041 Ditto. 3

Danish 5 - 103 Russian 8 - 100 Ditto 3 - - Ditto 881 Dutch (Mx. 12 Guilders) -21 - 61/ Sardinian a - 87 Ditto 4 931

Spanish a -

88/ French 3 - Ditto New Deferred.. ..... 3 - 181 Ditto 41 - - Ditto (Passive) 31 Itassachusetts(SterUng) .5 - 101 Venezuela 31


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) RAILWAYS--

Bristol and Exeter

Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle - 621 59 111 834 944 731 05 95


Australasian British North American Colonial Commercial oaf London London and Westminster

London Chartd. Bnk. of Australia

London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland

81 Us

17 391 21 271 London, Brighton, & South Coast. 1051 'Union of Australia


London and Elackwall 81 Union of London


London and North-western 1011 ex d.


Midland 681 Brazilian Imperial 31 Midland Great Western (Ireland) - Ditto (St. John del Rey) 27 North-Eastern-Berwick


Cobra Copper

47 North-Eastern-York 55 Colonial Gold

North British 31 Nouveau Monde

Oxford, Won and Wolverhampton 311


Scottish Central 951

Australian Agricultural

41 ex (I.

South-eastern and Dover 651 Canada

Loudon and South-western 831 cod. Crystal Palace 31


General Steam 20 East and West India 118 Peel River Land and Mineral .. 41 London 105 Peninsular and Oriental Steam. 60 St. Katherine 83 Royal Mail Steam

Victoria 11/ ex int- South Australian 34 BULLION. Per oz. METALS.

Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ....13 17 9 Copper, British Cakest:126 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Foreign Gold inCoin,PortugalPieces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 5


Lead, British Pig 22 0 0 .. 22 15 0 Silver in Bars,S tandard 0 0 0 Steel, Swedish Reg... 20 0 0 .. 21 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Aug. 18.

Wheat,R.New ate 0 Fine 0 - 0 Old 54-59 White 86-62 Fine 65-70 Super. New. 0- 0 Rye 0 to 0 Barley 27-29 Malting 29 -30 Malt, Ord 66-70 Fine 70-72 Fees, Hog, 28-49 Maple 4260 47 White 40-Si Boilers 0- 0 Beans, Ticks 42-47 Old 46-52 Indian Corn 31-20 Oats, Feed,.

Fine Poland Fine ..

Potato Fine ..

24 to 26 26-27 26-27 27-28 0- 0


Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.


• For the Week ending Aug. 12- Wheat,- 03s. 11d.

Rye 46e. 24.

Wheat 62s. 34.



Barley.... 36 2 Beans 47 8 Barley 34 8 I Beans 45 0

Data 29 10

Peas 45 1 Oats 28 11 Peas 43 6 FLOUR. PROVISIONS.

Town-made per lack 56s. to 632.

Seconds 45 - 50 Butter-Best Fresh, 13s. Od. per doz. Carlow, 41. 121. to 41. 18. per cwt.

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 45 - 49

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 72s. 60 77'.

Norfolk and Stockton 45 46

Cheese, Cheshire 56

- 70 American per barrel 30 35 Derby Plain 60 - 68 Canadian 30 35 Hams, York '4 - 84 Bread, 714. to 914. the 4lb. loaf. Eggs, French , per 120,0s. Od. to Os. Od.


s. d. a.


s. d. s. d. s.

HEAD Or CATTLE Eisizzartsto. At Beer.. 3 4 to 4 to 4 4 .... 3 2104 to50 Friday. Monday.

Mutton. 3 0 - 4 -4 6 .... 4 0 - 4 -o 0 Beasts. 1,031 4.836 Veal., 3 0 - 3 -4 4 .... 0 - 4 - 4 4 , Sheep .11.810 33,690 Pork 3 8 - 4 -4 6 .... 4 0 - 4 -4 8 Calves. 551 413 Lamb 4 0 - 4 -S 0 .... 4 6 - 5 -s 6 Pigs 315 410

To sink the offal, per 8 lb.



Kent Pockets Choice ditto

Os. to 0 - Os.

0 Down and half-bred Hogs per lb

Wether and Ewe 104.60 Od. lo - 114

Sussex ditto

0 - 0 Leicester Hogget and Wether 111 - 0 Farnham ditto

0 - 0 Skin Corabiag 10 - 0

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Lead 0( 36 Trusses./

07110EALAND. 8.7117181.1.

Hay, Good Ns to 110s. 90s. to 95,.

Inferior 55 - 90 60 - 60 New 65 -58 0 - 0

Clover 118 -130 112 -115

Wheat Straw 38 - 46 30 - 40 WEITIOnArsc.

90s. to KW.

0 - u

63 - 84

110 -120


Rape Oil per cwt, £2 3 6 Relined 2 5 0 Linseed Oil 1 15 0 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 13 10 0 Candles, per dozen Os. OS. to Or. Od.

Moulds, per dozen 0s. Osi. to Oa Od.

Coals, Hettan 23s. 04. Tees 231. Od. GROCERIES. Fes., Sonchong, fine,per lb ls. 34. to 2s 64. Congou, fine 1 6 - 1 10 Pekoe, flowery 1 4 - 3 8

• In Bond-Duty ls. 6 per lb. Coffee, One (in bond) cwt. 629 641. to 85.. GI,

Good Ordinary 46a.04. - 48.. 64. Sugar, Mai:coved°, per cwt... 21.. 02.

West India Molamas 161.6d. 1014. Od.