19 AUGUST 1854, page 21

Military Gazette.

WAID•OFFICE, Aug. 15.-3d ltegt. Foot-Lieut.-Gen. N. Thorn, C.B. from the 20th Foot, to be Col. vice Gen. Sir H. King,C.B. and K.C. dec. 20th Foot-LieuL-Gen. H. Thomas, C.B. from......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, August 15. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTED.-Crowther and Watson, Leeds, prussiate of potash Insusufacturers-Whitworth and Clarkson, Huddersfield. tea-dealers-Grist and Pc rry,......

Prices Current.

BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Price0 Saturd. dfonday. Tuuday. Wednos Thurs, Friday. ti per Cent Consols 931 931 931 83; 931 94 Ditto for Account 931 93i 931 931 94 3 per Cents......