The fluctuations in Government Securities this week have been light, and speculative operations have been suspended, awaiting some decisive move- ment on the part of the Allied forces. The chief attention has been directed to transactions connected with the settlement of the Account on Thursday ; when a scarcity of stock caused Consols for Money to advance to 94k: up to that period they had ranged between 94 and 935. This rise was not main- tained, and they closed at 93f 5. A depression in the Corn-market has had a good effect ; but heaviness in French Stocks has proved a check occasion- ally. The bullion return by the Bank of France for the past month exhibits an increase of 905,0001.; the total now held is nearly 19,000,0001. In Vienna the Funds have rapidly advanced. The Continental exchanges wear a favourable appearance. The National Bank of Belgium has reduced its rate of discount from 3 to 25 per cent. The latest accounts from New York were more cheering : Stocks had rallied 2 or 3 per cent, and no additional failures had been reported. The arrivals of specie this week have amounted to about 333,0001.; of which 242,0001. was from New York, and the re- mainder from South America and the West Indies.
Today the Funds are 1 higher : Consols for Money have ranged between 94 and 94, and leave off at the latter price, and 94 5 for Account. The French Funds were stronger yesterday, having rallied nearly per cent. Bank Stock is 1 lower this week, and India Stock 1 better. Exchequer Bills have not altered. Exchequer Bonds continue at 985 5. In Foreign Stocks, there has been greater activity than of late, and the following have improved-Belgian and Russian, Four-and-a-half per Cents, 2; Austrian, Danish Five and Three, Dutch Four, Peruvian Four-and-a- half, Portuguese Four, and Russian Five per Cents, and Sardinian, 1; Spanish Three per Cents have declined 1; Ditto Deferred, ; Certificates, f. The holders of Certificates for arrears upon Mexican Stock have been in- formed that the limit for their presentation extends to the 31st of December, The official notice respecting the Turkish Loan was not issued until Wed- nesday : it is to be for 5,000,000/. in Bonds, the dividends payable on 10th of April and 10th of October. The first issue will represent 2,000,0001. of Six per Cent Stock at 80, and the subscribers will have the option of taking a further amount of 1,000,0001. within a month; the remaining 2,000,0001. Stock will not be issued for five months below 85. Subscriptions will be re- ceived in London and Paris. It will be redeemed at par by annual instal- ments of 1 per cent per annum ; and the first drawing will be on the lot of March 1866. The loan will be charged on the revenue of Turkey ; and the principal and interest secured by an assignment of 282,0001. sterling, tribute from the Pasha of Egypt to the Sultan, remitted half-yearly to the London agents, Sir I. L. Goldsmid and Mr. Horsley Palmer. .Applications for the first issue of 2,000,000/. were to be addressed to the Agents under cover to Messrs. Multens, Marshall, and Daniell, Lombard Street, on or be- fore the 17th instant. The payments are to be made as follows-15 per cent on the 22d August, 15 on the 22d September, 20 per cent on the 20th Octo- ber, 15 on the 21st November, and 15 on the 19th December. Discount at the rate of 5 per cent per annum on the instalments will be allowed for prompt payment. The notification concludes in the following words-" The undersigned have the satisfaction to acquaint the public, that they are au- thorised by the Earl of Clarendon, her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to state that the loan is negotiated with the knowledge of the English Government ; that her Majesty's Government is satisfied that the loan and the appropriation of the above-mentioned 30,000,000 piastres (282,0001.) per annum of the Egyptian tribute are duly authorized by his Majesty the Sultan ; and further, that the representatives of the Sub- lime Porte at Paris and London are empoweredin virtue of Imperial firmans to ratify the contract for the loan in the name of his Majesty the Sultan ; and Lord Clarendon relies with confidence upon the Turkish Government fulfilling with good faith the engagements they have entered into. The un- dersigned are assured that a similar declaration will be made by M. Drouyn de Lhuye, the French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs." The notice is dated August 16th, and signed "Isaac L. Goldsmid, J. Horsley Palmer." The high estimation in which the loan is held is evidenced by the price of the scrip. Upon the official announcement, business was done at 2 pre- mium2 and yesterday at 7 premium. Today it is 55 6 premium. The ap- plications have far exceeded the sum required for the whole loan. Railways have been very unsettled, and a decline has occurred in several of the leading descriptions, through disappointment in the dividends already announced, and in anticipation of others. Great Western and Great North- ern have been particularly heavy : the dividend on the former will be 303. per cent, or 3 per cent per annum ; being 1 less than the former dividends. Yesterday there was a slight rally, and at the close the difference in some of the principal lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following ex- tent. Increase-Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 11.; Feat Lan- cashire, 108.; Midland, 58. Decrease-Great Northern, 31.; Great Western, and London, Brighton, and South Coast, 21.; Caledonian, London and North- Western, and South Wales, 1/. 10s.; Eastern Counties, and South-Eastern, 1/. 5s.; Aberdeen and Scottish Central, 11.; NorthBritish, 103. •' London and South-Western, 78. 6d. In Foreign Shares, Rouen and Ilavrehave declined 108.; Paris and Lyons, Sambre and Meuse, and Great Western of Canada, 5s. Today the English lines are 103. higher in several instances. Great Western has advanced to 725 3, and London and North-Western, 1015 2 ex d. Foreign Shares have slightly improved. SATURDAY, TWELVE °Time.
The English Funds have improved 1 this morning, in oonsequence of the bullion return by the Bank of England showing an increase of 262,3111.: Console are 945 1 for Money and 941 5 for the Account. Exchequer Bills 1 discount to 1 premium. In Foreign Stocks prices are quite nominal. Turk- ish Scrip is 55 61 'Premium. Railways are rather firmer : the present bar- gains are these-Great Northern, 844; Great Western, 73; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 695; North-Eastern-York, 554.
SATVEDAY, Two o'Cl.oat.
The English Funds have continued firm since the morning, and a further rise of 4 has occurred-Consols closing at 941 5 for Money and 944 for Account ; Exchequer Bills, 1 discount 1 premium. In Foreign Stocks, the only alteration is a decline in Turkish Scrip to 44,5 premium. Railways leave off higher : these are the latest transactions-Caledonian, 635; Eastern Counties, 114 ; Great Northern, 8,5k; Ditto A Stock, 65; Great Western 73; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 694; Ditto Fifths, 124; London and BlaCkwall, 84; London and North-western, 102i ; London and South- Western, 834; Midland, 684- South-Eastern, 655 ; South Wales, 33; North-Eastern Berwick, 751; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase, 95; Buckingham- shire, 954- Northern and Eastern, 6 per Cent, 674; Royston and Hitchen, Shepreth Stock, 133; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 117; Great Western, Con- verted Redeemable 45 per Cent, 99; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 6; Great Lux- embourg, Obligations, 24. Mines-Santiago de Cuba, 44; United Mexican, 31. Joint Stock Banks-Australasian, 84; London Joint Stock, 274; London and Westminster, 395; Oriental Bank Corporation, 474; Union of London, 241. Miscellaneous-Crystal Palace, 34; Peninsula and Oriental Steam, 55; South Australian Land, 34; Van Diemen's Land, 115.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents 944 9 949 4 944 3
94 5 4
208 10 1 di,. 1 pm.
226 9 81 4 99 101 92 4 103 5 102 4 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents
93 5 244 I
99 101 85 7 85 7 84 6 77 80 60 2 69 71 51 3 40 2
38I 18
Notes issued £26,833550 Government Debt 511,015,1C 0
Other Securities 2,984,910
Gold Coln and Bullion 12,833,350
Silver Bullion
Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities
Best 3,438,416 cludii gDead"WeightAnnuity) 510,680493 Public Deposits. 2,980,274
°the, Securities 16,1014E4
Other Deposits 10,153,899 Notes 8,668,840 Seven Day and otherBills 1,049,799 Gold and Silver Coln 728,471 C32.179,358 532,179,368 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, CommissionersofNational Debt, & Dividend Acct. BANE. OF ENGLAND.
An Acconnt, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8 h Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 12th day of August 1854.
155171 DEI,RTYZNT.