The Christians of Eastern Europe are paying and are likely
to pay a terrible price for the worst fact in their history,—their atrocious oppressions of the Jews, whom they hate, partly for their creed and partly for their success in business. The Roumanians in particular repeatedly compelled the Emperor Napoleon to interfere, and roused Sir Moses Monteflore into active and persistent representations to all the Governments of Europe. They excited by their oppressions the implacable animosity of the Jews, and are now attacked by the Viennese Press, which is almost entirely Jewish, by half the Press of London and Paris, and by the British Premier, whose fiat at this moment can make or unmake them. Even now so bitter is the prejudice in Roumania, that the Government has the impudence to demand that the rights of English Jews in Bucharest shall be qualified by their creed. It is hopeless to reason with a prejudice of this kind, but there ought to be brains enough among Roumanians and Servians to see that the total abolition of Jewish disabilities would do as much for the Christians of Turkey as a great victory.