The Art Of Prolonging Life. (revised Edition Of Dr....
well- known work.) (Ward, Lock, and Tyler.)—One would hardly expect that a work on the above subject written before the commencement of the present century could be now of much......
Tr Anscendentalism In New England : A History. By...
ingham. (G. P. Putnam's, New York.)—This volume discusses "Transcendentalism," not as a mere form of mental philosophy, but as a phase of thought which has powerfully stirred......
Playing For Love. By E. C. Clayton. 3 Vols. (tinsley
Brothers.)--- Mr. Clayton seems to have written several works, and at least one novel. His style, accordingly, shows a certain amount of literary finish. He commits, however,......
So Sinks The Day-star. By James Keith. (samuel Tinsley.)—...
is nothing that calls for particular comment in this book. We have for the parents of the heroine a very ordinary pair of parvenus, and the heroine herself, although introduced......
The Rudiments Of English Grammar And Composition. By J....
Smith, M.A. (Rivingtons.)--There is nothing original in the plan of this work, nor do we think Mr. Smith has followed the best method of teaching the subject. There are,......
Nicolas Marriage ; A Pict We Of Danish Family Life.
By Henry Scharling, author of" Noddebo Parsonage." 2 vols. (Bentley.)—This is a very pretty book, the real power of which is best shown by the interest which, though without any......
The Discipline Of Drink. By The Rev. T. E. Bridgett.
(Burns and Oates.)—It is possible that this title may need some explanation. A fuller description of the subject of Mr. Bridgett's volume runs thus,— " An historical inquiry......