The evidence of the Duke of Cambridge before the Royal
Commission on Promotion admits practically that the system in future must be seniority tempered by rejections. The whole body of the Army dislikes selection, and distrusts the confidential reports upon which to a great extent selection must be based. Some commanding officers contract prejudices, some make favourites, and to all the order to tell an officer that he has been reported on unfavourably seems to be a severe trial of forti- tude. The Commander-in-Chief almost implores General officers to aid him in this matter, and ascertain for themselves how far regimental reports are correct, but there runs through all his evidence a tone of doubt as to whether he can obtain the infor- mation required. Fortunately, however, for himself, he is con- vinced that for the most part officers are "much of a muchness," and he is content to take them as they come, except for very special service. He allowed that the abolition of Purchase had diminished inefficiency and slackness, as he could now menace an officer with the loss of his promotion, but the tendency was to be "extremely cautious" in reporting demerit.