The Tories have lost the seat for Carmarthen, where Mr.
Cowell-Stepney has been returned without a contest, and have been defeated at Leeds by a majority of 2,400. Both victories indicate that the tide of reaction is ebbing, but the importance of neither should be exaggerated. Mr. Cowell-Stepney is a kind ef natural representative of Carmarthen, where he possesses great property, and succeeds his father, who represented the borough from 1868 to 1874; and Alderman Barran is said to have carried the Irish vote by some sort of concession—a very slight one—to the Home-Rulers, who otherwise might have voted for the party which favours denominational education. The chief importance , of Mr. Barran's election consists in the fact that the party were able to avoid a conflict between Whigs and Radicals, which would have made Mr. Jackson's return a certainty.