General Brusiloff has thus driven the enemy from the whole
of their winter lines south of the Pripet marshes as far as the Roumanian border in a campaign of ten weeks, from June 4th to August 12th. The wall of defence which, they boasted, was immov- able has been swept away, and the armies holding it have suffered terribly. General Brusiloff records the capture of 7,757 officers and 350,845 men, with 405 cannon and 1,326 machine-guns. At the very lowest computation of their killed and wounded in the many fierce battles which have taken place, the Austrian and German armies facing General Bnisiloff's armies must have lost between 600,000 and 700,000 men—perhaps half their strength— since June 4th, and the remnants must be worn and demoralised. The Russians cannot be expected to continue a rapid advance indefinitely without periods for rest and the re-equipment of their batteries and supply-trains. But the enemy apparently cannot hold them back when they want to go on.